Basket & Pitcher
Early use of gourds, pitcher treated with
tung oil. Package of both
Natural Pot with varnish finish
Shows the naural beauty of the gourd skin..
Caliper with 2 Faces
Gourd with a face painted on both sideds
is suspended between cliper points.
Ice Cream Cone
Natural shape of gourd suggested an ice
cream come.
Plant Bulb
The sculped shape of the gourd suggests
a plant bulb opening.
Watermelon inside out.
Yin & Yang
2 Gourds entwined.
Deerskin Drum
Deerhide lashed to a Gourd with artificial
Grain Pot
Gourd rendered to resemble a Native American
Grain Pot.
Round gourds with stem attached suggested
a cartoon bomb.
Mithical character
Dipper Gourds
Traditional early American dipper gourds
finished in tung oil.