Surry County, Virginia Visitors Center

Surry County, Virginia Visitors Center
Surry Visitors Center Time LineThe display panels on the exterior walls of the Visitors Center illustrate points of interest in the county. Each panel provides just enough information to give a general overview of what the visitor can expect, should they choose to visit. A Time Line that hangs on the primary interior wall behind the receptionist is printed on 5 hanging panels that illustrate the county history and provides graphic images of some of the major events of the past 400 years.


Surry County Visitors CenterA reproduction of the county logo, mounted to the reverse side of 1/4 inch plexiglass, hags 2 inches off the wall complimenting the other graphis panels. Each of the 11 site panesl are themed to a specific area of interest for the visitor and include a QR code that links to the county website for more information and a map to show the general location of the attraction.



Hampton Roads Winery & Edwards Ham Shop College Run Farm & Drewery Farm Surry Historical Society & Dendron Historical Society

Grays Creek Marina & Surry Seafgood Restaurant

Dominion Nuclear Power Plant & Visitors Center






Native Americans in Surry County

Smallwood Institute & Pools Funeral Home











A 3-dimensional model was presented to the county officials for approval. All the photos are printed on vynal and mounted to a substrate of aluminum and foam for rigity. Each large background image has a 2 inch wood frame fixed to the reverse side and hangs in relief. Various smaller photo panels are fixed to the background on 1 inch frames for added dimentionality. A 3 1/2 inch wood hanger is secured to the wall to support each of the large hanging panels. This sculptural effect adds interest to the display and allows various subjects to come forward for the viewers attention.

Preliminary Model of Design

2 inch frames were secured to the back of each large panel

Each small photo panel is secured to the front of the large background panel






A hanger bar is cut for each large panel

Jan secures the hanger bar firmly to the wall

Each large panel has smaller panels secured to the face